Saturday, December 31, 2016

Running The Numbers - 2016

Commodore Run - 10.22.16
Before I run down the 2016 numbers and events, I would like to list my 2017 goals, mostly because I'm particularly excited about #4 and #6.

Jo's 2017 Fitness Goals
1. Remain injury-free.
This goal is the most important. Everything else comes from staying injury-free.
2. Run lots of miles with lots of friends.
...because I want running to be fun.
3. Run 1,200 annual miles.
That's the A Goal. It means an average of 100 mi./month. I walk (run, ha) that fine line between volume and injury, so I realize this goal is ambitious. The B Goal is to PR, over 1,170 mi. The C Goal is to reach 1,000 mi.
4. Run on dates I haven't run at least a mile outdoors (2018 extension allowed).
You guys. I have 37 calendar dates on which I have not run more than a mile outdoors. I'm going to hit as much of them as I can this year, but I'm allowing myself a 2018 extension. If I'm sick or need rest, I don't want to force myself to run a mile just because of what date it is. By the way, August, September, and December are already at 100%.
5. Work on the committee to stage the BMS 5K.
It's the tenth running!
6. Encourage another person or people to become more focused on fitness.
I made a little training schedule for my friend and colleague, Mitch. We're going to run the Hoosier Half Marathon together in April. It'll be his first half. I can't wait!
7. Build more muscle.
I want to be more consistent with my Novus sessions in 2017.

The Year That Was 2016
The year of our Lord 2016 may have been a crazy year in general, but it was a nice year for my running. Here are some of the highlight moments for me, in no particular order, from 2016.

 Chillin' The Mini. I chose to run, walk, stop, take pics, and talk to friends during this year's Indy Mini. It was my favorite Mini ever. I even got Frank Shorter to sign my top. I was also able to finish with my cousin, Terry.

Adventure Run Photoshop - 1.30.16
Photoshops. Wendy and I take pics of each other on runs, and then photoshop them together. We've made some dandies this year.

Running With MaeBe. She loves it.

Listening To My Body. On September 10, I decided not to run a marathon this year. I felt weak for about 0.5 sec., and then I had some of the best running days of my life because all the pressure was off. Dad has been telling me to "listen to my body" for years.

Indiana Bicentennial Torch Relay. It was a Top 10 moment in my life. It was less of a running moment and more of a historical event; but it involved running, so I'm including it here.

The Marriage Spot - 6.28.16
Myrtle Beach Anniversary. Ed and I celebrated 10 years of marriage by visiting the exact spot where we were wed. I was able to do two beach runs, as well (12).

Dat Sign! Seriously, when my parents and in-laws put my face and name on the Electric Avenue sign, I received one of the neatest Christmas gifts ever. It was pretty cool to see it over and over as I ran during the last week of the year.

Picture Maps. I made pi on Pi Day, some crosses on Easter, 2016 to honor the graduates, and a weak star with Wendy. Those are fun.
Before Monumental - 11.5.16

Adventure Runs. Wendy and I ran to some new places that had surprise endings for Wendy (Palestine, Pyramids, etc.). Those were fun. I have more planned.

Mom. She came with me to almost every race, and we had SUCH. FUN.

Running The 2016 Numbers
Data collection and analysis is a hobby of mine. Therefore, I looooooove the end of the calendar year, because it provides a great opportunity for me to analyze what I've collected.

Miles Run: 1,170.00
Increase Over Previous Annual Mileage High: 1,154.00 mi., 1.4% increase
Runs: 165 (exactly the same as 2015)
Hours Run: 187.30
Average Run Distance: 7.09 mi.
Average Run Pace: 9:36.31
Average Run Duration: 1:08:06.6
Average Temperature During Runs: 49.43°F
Temperature Range: 81°F (High 84°F, June 16; low 3°F, January 18)
Feet Climbed: 53,589 (10.15mi)
Torch Relay - 9.14.16
Average Feet Climbed Per Mile: 45.80, 0.87% grade
Miles Walked: 152.6
Walks: 85
Average Walk Distance: 1.80 mi.
Strength Training Sessions at Novus: 30
Cross Training Miles: 84.24 (8.26 kayak, 75.98 bike)
Races Run: 11
PRs Set: 0
Falls: 2
Injuries: 2... ish (See below.)
Toenails Lost: 7
Surgeries: 0
Pairs of Shoes Retired: 3
Pairs of Shoes Purchased: 3
States Where I Ran: 2, Indiana & South Carolina
Longest Run: 16.01 mi., September 4
Shortest Run: 0.52 mi., September 14
Week With Most Running: September 4-10, 42.08 mi., also the week I decided to drop to the half
Month With Most Running: August, 126.94 mi.
Month With Least Running: May, 50.93 mi.
Favorite Run (Tie)September 14, 0.52 mi., obviously.
Least Favorite Run: April 30, 1.02 mi., when I realized I was too hurt to run.
Percentage of Goals Reached: 66.67% (4/6, see below)
Weight Range in Pounds: 6.2
Total Lifetime Mileage: 6,388.00
Percent of Lifetime Mileage Run in 2016: 18.32%

Mileage By The Month
January: 113.31
Electric Avenue Sign - 12.31.16
February: 120.45
March: 77.62
April: 69.86
May: 50.93
June: 66.79
July: 119.66
August: 126.94
September: 109.99
October: 124.44
November: 84.99
December: 105.02

Jo's 2016 Fitness Goals: 
1. Remain injury-free.
Failed. I had a mystery quad/hamstring injury in April and May, and some sort of illness that may or may not have been a running injury in May and June.
2. Run lots of miles with lots of friends.
3. Run 1,200 annual miles.
Failed, by only 30 miles. I'm not disappointed, though. I ran the most miles I've ever run in a year, and that was with an injury.
4. Work on the committee to stage the BMS 5K.
Succeeded, and beat the boss. Fourth year in a row.
5. Encourage another person or people to become more focused on fitness.
Succeeded. I helped a few folks run their first races, too.
6. Build more muscle.
Succeeded. Thanks, Novus!

Thanks to everyone for the support! On to 2017!

Mini Finish - 5.2.16