Miles Run: 864.78
Increase Over Previous Annual Mileage High: 404.79 mi., 88% increase
Runs: 131
Hours Run: 144.38
Average Run Distance: 6.60
Average Run Pace: 10:01.04
Average Run Duration: 1:06:07.7
Miles Walked: 133.37
Walks: 59
Average Walk Distance: 2.26
Visits to the Gym: 96
Personal Training Sessions: 49
Personal Training Hours: 24.5
Miles On Elliptical: 55.8
Races Run: 11
Total Race Mileage: 102.9
Third Place Medals: 0
Second Place Medals: 2
First Place Medals: 1
Falls: 1, August 14
Injuries: 4 (three cases of tendinitis and a stress fracture)
Toenails Lost: 6
Pairs of Shoes Retired: 3
Pairs of Shoes Purchased: 5
States Where I Ran: 1, Indiana
Longest Run: 22.7 mi., November 2 (before passing out in Monumental)
Shortest Run: 0.47 mi., February 2 (aborted run due to IT pain)
Week With Most Running: September 1-7, 45.23 mi.
Month With Most Running: September, 136.37 mi.
Month With Least Running: November, 28.2 mi.
Most Honks on a Run: 44, October 12, 20.05 mi.
Favorite Run (Tie): July 13, 8.01 mi.; September 21, 20.1 mi.
Least Favorite Run (Tie): January 5, 12.08 mi.; June 8, 10.47 mi.
Percentage of Goals Reached: 57.14% (4/7)
Weight Range in Pounds: 6.8
Total Lifetime Mileage: 2,952.74
Percent of Lifetime Mileage Run in 2013: 29.29%
Mileage By The Month
January: 50.03
February: 41.53
March: 68.59
April: 73.9
May: 72.8
June: 46.46
July: 87.38
August: 113.11
September: 136.37
October: 99.88
November: 28.2
December: 46.53
Can't wait to see the beautiful numbers of 2014!
With Wendy, Wes, & Brooklynn Final Run of 2013 |