The fact that the wheel now looks like an exclamation point is not an accident. I planned it that way. IMM is going to be the big exclamation point on what's been an ambitious and storied training cycle.
Another reason for the exclamation point is that I have full confidence that I can reach my "A Goal," which is to run the marathon in under four hours. (You can see a summary of my A, B, and C goals here.) My training, both the running component planned by Wendy with Limestone Distance Running, and the strength component planned by Novus Strength Training, have prepared me for the task at hand. I have never felt more prepared for anything in my life.
That is not to say that there's not a "however" to that bold confidence. I am having the nervous jitters as you might imagine. Thoughts like, "What if I fail?" creep into my mind at times. When that happens, I try to change the negative thought into positive visualization of the attainment of my goal... or I text Wendy and have her tell me that everything is fine. :-) As I've previously stated, even if I don't reach my goal, I will have achieved the aim of having a great time during training.
The only question marks that exist are the variables I can't control: the weather and my health. I am reasonably sure that the weather will be in my favor, because the only conditions that spell disaster for me are heat and humidity—uncommon problems in November. (Forecast is for a start in the low 40°s. Thank goodness for the impending cold front!) Also, I could awaken Saturday with a cold or tummy trouble or general malaise or anything that would cause it to not be "my day."
I've done my part. All I can do now is hope for the best and execute my race plan.
My time is NOW. LET'S DO THIS!
***Wendy will likely keep folks updated on my progress via facebook. Also, you can click here to sign up to follow me via text as I pass timing mats during the race. Start gun is at 8:00 A.M. on Saturday!
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