Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Redemption Run — #WhyIMini

the action of regaining or gaining possession of something
Every year since 2007, I have had a lofty goal for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon. In 2007, I wanted to finish my first half marathon. The goal for each subsequent year has been to PR. Sometimes I did it (2009, 2010, 2014). Sometimes I didn't (2011, 2013). Sometimes I didn't even make it to the starting line due to fractures (2008, 2012). But 2015 is all kinds of different, because this year, I'm not running to PR.

I'm running to run.

2015 Goal
Every calendar year, I set running goals, which usually include a set of time goals for different distances. This year, in place of race goals, I set one aim:
Run a lot of miles with a lot of friends without getting injured.
I don't care how fast I go. I just want to run healthily. Coming off another Crohn's-caused fracture (my fourth), has helped me to see that there are more important things than race goals, and one of those things is the act of running, and especially the act of running with friends.

This year, I run the Mini to enjoy the experience. To run with friends. To soak in the atmosphere. To laugh. To make memories. To show that I can.

To regain control of my running life.

And I am not the only one.

In 2014, Wendy had two surgeries: one in January to remove a fibroma from her foot, and one in November to release an entrapped nerve. Just yesterday, Wendy had her first epileptic seizure in years. In less than six weeks, Wendy will run a 100-mile race in Wisconsin.

Saturday, Wendy runs to show that NOTHING will stop her.

Chelsey is 15 and has juvenile arthritis. Doctor's visits and an aching body are commonplace in her life. Training for a half marathon in winter's fierce cold is very difficult for her joints. This Mini will be Chelsey's last for a few years so that she may focus on high school cross country and track.

Saturday, Chelsey runs to show that NOTHING will stop her.

Amelia, 12-years-old and daughter of Wendy, is the healthiest of the four of us. However, Amelia is running for a cause. She is raising money for Fat Heads Rescue, a dog rescue in Southern Indiana. She has a heart for animals and their welfare, and she uses her running to raise both funds and awareness.

Saturday, Amelia runs to show that NOTHING will stop her—from any goal.

We all view Saturday as Amelia's run—Amelia's run for the Fat Heads dogs—and our purpose is to surround her and support her in her efforts. However, this run holds special meaning for each one of us as we regain possession of something we love—the run. Perhaps the most special part of it is that we will do it together.

THAT is #WhyWeMini.

To track us or other friends in the race, download the Indy Mini app, or follow this link.
To make a donation to Amelia's fundraiser for Fat Heads, follow this link.

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