You've heard the phrase, "In like a lion, out like a lamb," right? Well, that adage didn't apply to my March running this year. My first March run was on a Snow Day, and my final March run was in a cold, driving rain. So, it was "in like a lion, out like a lion" for me.
Rebuilding Month
Because of the pain plaguing my left leg, I backed off my mileage at the end of February and began rebuilding at the beginning of the month. I assumed Wendy's post-surgery comeback plan by starting with short 1-2 mi. runs. Here are the stats:
Miles Run: 55.87
Runs: 13
Hours Run: 9.30
Average Run Distance: 4.30 mi.
Average Run Pace: 9:59.51
Average Run Duration: 42:56.5
Average Temperature: 38.5°F
Longest Run: 9.13 mi., March 29
Shortest Run: 1.01 mi., March 3
Favorite Run: March 27, 6 mi.
Total Lifetime Mileage: 3,133.47
I am woefully off pace to reach 1,000 mi. by the end of the year. However, I'm not (too) worried about it. My mileage will balloon in the late summer and fall as I begin training for the marathon, so I can make up miles then. Also, I would rather miss reaching a mileage goal than push through an injury, thus harming myself further. Not worth it.
The goals that are in clear focus right now are my Mini objectives: to PR (sub-1:54), and if the stars align, to run sub-1:50. I know it is within me to reach both of these goals, but I'm not sure that this is my year. The leg injury has held back my mileage and pace. Wendy and I did a 6-mi. progression run over Spring Break that went well, but one run doesn't give me much information. We are going to run a 15K this weekend to help us gauge race pace for the Mini.

Warmer days, longer afternoons, and some fun runs are coming. The Training Series 15K is this Saturday, April 5, and it's just over two weeks until Amelia's Derby Half on April 19. The Mini, May 3, is right on April's heels. Sam will also be helping me prepare with weekly strength workouts. Coupled with spring busting out all over, I think April has a lot to offer. Time to hear that lion ROAR! :o)
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